Sunday, June 15, 2008

Reno vs. Birmingham for worst city of the trip.

That's right, today we left California for the trip back home. We stopped by Lake Tahoe, the last stop in CA before we crossed back into Nevada. Unfortunately the first and really the only stop in Nevada on the way back was Reno. It's sleezy old Vegas mixed with a lack of people and just nothing worth doing at all. At least Birmingham looked like it might have stuff to do if there were people around.

Anyway, California was beautiful and San Francisco was easily my favorite city so far. It lived up to being the city where I wanted to end the westbound trip. In less than two weeks I'll be living in Washington D.C. and that's weird to think about. I'm going to try and put those thoughts off a little more though because we still have about a week left of this trip. Tomorrow it's off to Salt Lake City and than moving on toward Yellowstone.

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