Monday, June 23, 2008

I move to D.C. in about 72 hours

So I arrived back at my house at approximately the same time that I left it 20 days ago on June 3rd. It was the journey that I had hoped for as long as I can remember. As little time we had, we saw things we needed to see and things we didn't but I'd argue we're better for it all. I don't really want to be back, as tiring as it is being on the road for three weeks. I'll be back in a car for a long trip in only a few days, but i'll be in one place for the next six months. The bonds of friendship have grown stronger in my eyes. I can only hope the rest agree. I regret nothing of this trip be it time, money place or anything else. What needed to happen happened and we did what we needed to do.

Now the four of us split and go our seperate ways.

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